Posts Tagged ‘52postcards’

Postaday #13 Book

Today’s question from the Chat Pack is: If you were to write a book, what would you choose as the topic?

This is a very timely question for me because I have already written part of a children’s book about Rosalee Parmer who is a bee charmer in the 1940’s. I have the characters, setting, problem and solution- but I just need to finish it. Starting today, I am dedicating myself to 1,000 words a day until it is completed. Please email me at to check up on my progress! More typing and less Unsolved Mysteries!


Postcard from 52postcards Project

Postaday#4 The morning after April Fool’s Day

How did I go from fresh eggs to plastic flowers in my front yard? You’ll have to wait until next week for postcard #11 to read about how this happened. Go to and check out postcards #1-#10 until then.

I’m joining the WordPress “Post-A-Day Challenge”

Hello all!

The 52postcards Project: Part 2 is kind of like an old ugly pair of shoes that have been pushed under the bed- forgotten, unused, and slightly smelly. With that in mind, I am  joining the Post-a-Day Challenge. Starting right now, please check back often for my daily posts! If you have any ideas or topics that you would like me to write about, please send me an email at:
